Hi Everyone,

I’m excited to tell you of my most recent read, “The Bookstore” by Deborah Meyler. This little beauty sat on my shelf for a bit. I purchased “The Bookstore” at my local bookstore last summer. Though anxious to begin, I had stacks and stacks of other books I was working my way through. Finally, winter arrived and this book made its way to the top of the stack. I snuggled in with hot cups of coffee, warm sweaters, and my little space heater. It’s was a cure for what I call the winter doldrums. That period of time between January and April that always leaves me in a perpetual state of longing for spring. Anyway, thank you Deborah Meyler for helping me pass some of the winter ho hums. If you’re looking for a story that warms your heart, jump starts your brain, and champions the vulnerable, you’ll love “The Bookstore.”

Oxford grad Esme Garland has journeyed from England to New York City on scholarship to study art history at Columbia University. This witty, charming, compassionate girl finds life in the Big Apple more than just academically stimulating. She meets and falls in love with Mitchell van Leuven, a New York aristocratic blue blood. Everything’s fantastic until she winds up pregnant with his baby and he dumps her. His reason, he’s no longer “into” her.

Esme finds solace, and part-time work at a small bookstore called “The Owl” on the West Side. There, she meets and works with a cast of characters that you could only find, well, in a small bookstore on the West Side. Incredibly funny, deeply moving, this book will bring you along as Esme experiences the quirky, intellectual and free-spirited world of a local bookstore. You will laugh at Esme’s wicked sense of humor and marvel at her intellect. You might even need a thesaurus or occasionally yell out “Hey Google” or “Alexa” to keep up with her rich vocabulary and knowledge base. But, you will also feel her pain as she struggles through her pregnancy and the complicated relationship with her baby’s father.

“The Bookstore” is a delightful read, guaranteed to move you. In life, you don’t always have control over situations and circumstances. You do have control over how well you deal with them, and in “The Bookstore” that’s exactly what Esme Garland shows us. I hope you enjoy this read. I know I did!



