Hello All,
I sit down at the keyboard and begin what I think will be a productive day of writing. Nope, nothing. I get up, wander the room, stretch, check my phone, go to the bathroom, sit back down and begin. My fingers hover over the keyboard. I stare at the WORD page before me. I reread what I’ve written from last week. I like it but… I give it a few minutes. Nope, nothing’s coming. I begin to panic. Maybe I need more caffeine so I go upstairs to my trusty Keurig and brew a strong cup of French roast. Now I’m wired from the caffeine and can’t focus. I don’t want to say it out loud but there’s no denying it, I am suffering from a good old fashion case of writer’s block. I’ve had it now for a few days. It’s so frustrating. I know there is a dynamic story in this head of mine just clamoring to get out, but my brain’s on lock down.
I’m so desperate to get the juices flowing that I stop, pick up my purse, put on my coat, and go to the bookstore, just to be around words. I arrive and am immediately confronted with a table full of books marked Reese’s favorites. Of course, next to that display is a table of Oprah’s favorites. Maybe one day I think, my book(s) will be added to those tables. I mosey along the aisle of bestsellers. I pick up several books and read each of their jackets. I can write a book with as interesting a plot as these, the little voice inside my head says. Then why don’t you? asks the other occupant in my head.
“I will once I break through this ice block occupying my creative cortex,” I say out loud. The clerk shelving books suddenly stops what he’s doing and asks me if he can be of help. I smile and tell him that I really wish he could. I quickly move along. After forty-five minutes I’ve circled each aisle twice. I now have a book on traveling northern New England, several books on trains and bulldozers for my grandson, a book for my granddaughter, and finally, two boxes of Christmas cards for next year that are 50% off. I pay for my purchases and make my way to the car. I start the car and one of my favorite songs is playing. I take a moment to just sit and listen. I close my eyes and lean back. Suddenly, I have an idea. It comes out of nowhere, Suddenly, I have a great idea. I smile. I’m going home to write.
I guess my takeaway is, you can’t force it, but you can try ways to jump start the flow of ideas. All writers have writers’ block at one time or another. It’s frustrating. I’m sure I’ll spend countless future hours spinning my wheels, but that’s all part of the process. What might work today, may not work tomorrow, but you got to just keep writing. Keep at it. It will come.
Have great rest of the week! I plan to…..