Writing, Living, and Learning along the way
The Virus Doesn’t Celebrate Independence Day!
Hi Everyone, They told us it would be gone by Easter. It wasn't. They said it would vanish by Memorial Day! It didn't. Now we're rounding the curve coming into
The Arts Aren’t “Fluffy Stuff”
Hi Everyone, It's been almost a year since a sent my first draft of "Bird" to my editor. I truly didn't know where it would go or if readers
A Cauterization of America’s Heart
Hi Everyone, I hope you and your family are safe and in good spirits as we begin to navigate into some semblance of life as we know it. Somehow though,
“Bird” Review
Hi Everyone, I hope everyone's having a good week. I just want to share a few of the reviews I've received on Amazon.com for "Bird." It's always such a pleasure
The Magic Number is 50 – Please!!!!!
Hi Everybody, I am inching my way to 50 reviews of "Bird" on Amazon. I just need two more to reach my goal this month. I'm not asking you to
Finding the Beauty in a ‘Stay-in-Place’ World
Hello Everyone, How many of you have been avoiding mirrors? Me too. 'Stay-in-Place' has wreaked havoc on our usual routines that keep us, well, somewhat presentable to the outside
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