Coco’s Takeaways

Coco’s Takeaways2019-11-23T19:24:08+00:00

Writing, Living, and Learning along the way

Writer’s Block

January 16th, 2020|

Hello All, I sit down at the keyboard and begin what I think will be a productive day of writing. Nope, nothing. I get up, wander the room, stretch, check

62 Christmases

December 16th, 2019|

I will be celebrating sixty-two Christmases this year. I remember about fifty-eight of them. Those first four years are a bit fuzzy for obvious reasons. Still, celebrating sixty-two Christmases leaves


November 26th, 2019|

Blessings! Count your blessings. Ah, it must be Thanksgiving. THE reminder to be grateful for life's gifts. It's like a satellite, swinging back around earth's orbit come early November. You

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