Coco’s Takeaways

Coco’s Takeaways2019-11-23T19:24:08+00:00

Writing, Living, and Learning along the way

Dear Lilly, Love, Mom

May 9th, 2020|

Dear Lilly, I knelt in front of you, your beautiful face in my hands, and I looked into your eyes. I told you how much I love you now and

My Lilly

May 5th, 2020|

  Lilly   Lilly, she knows ALL my secrets. I mean every single solitary one of them. She knows my eating habits, my daily rituals, my temper, my passion, my

Thank You!

April 29th, 2020|

Hi Everyone! I'm screaming from the rooftops! THANK YOU! to those of you who took advantage of the free Kindle Version of "Bird" on Amazon. Because of you, "Bird" has

The Joy of Book Clubs

April 19th, 2020|

  Hello Everyone, One of the things I miss most being in quarantine is visiting with my readers and their book clubs. Before COVID-19, I was spending lots of time

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