Writing, Living, and Learning along the way
Still Nooming!
Hi Everyone, Wanted to give you an update on my progress using Noom. I have been on the program for three full weeks and look to be down a little
There’s Hope for Better Days Ahead
Hi Everyone, I see signs of better days ahead. I feel as if shards of light are piercing through the gray film we've all been living under since
Why Do I Write?
Hello Everyone, I love to write. But I didn't start writing to make a name for myself, or add to my income, or simply pass the time in my years
I’m NOOM’ing. Wish me luck!
Hi Everyone, I started Noom this week and I'll tell you why. Last Tuesday my husband and I made the road trip home from snowy Chicago after visiting with
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Hi Everyone, February 14th, a day set aside each year to celebrate romance. For over forty years I have been lucky and grateful to celebrate Valentine's Day with my husband,
Born on Groundhog Day: He Casts No Shadows, Only Light!
The snow was falling when we reached Chicago on that late February evening. Roads were icy, visibility challenging. My daughter was about to deliver her first child and her father
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